Monday, June 27, 2011

So You Want to go on a Diet #1:Say no to yo-yo

Diet. The dreaded 4-letter word that has become synonymous with failed New Year's resolutions, celebrity-endorsed programs and deprivation of your favorite foods. There are many people who have succeeded in achieving weight loss on a diet and kept the pounds off; however, for many, the diet is just a short-term solution for them to lose some weight, only to find it creep slowly back on (and, often time, accompanied by a few extra pounds that weren't there in the first place).

While we do not necessarily endorse or dismiss any particular diet programs, we know that many of our readers have been on a diet or may go on a diet in the future. We hope that whatever program you choose, it is one that you can adopt as a lifestyle, not just a temporary behavior. Make sure that you do your research and ensure you are getting a proper balance of nutrients. Both members and non-members can make an appointment with our Licensed Dietitian Melissa Smith, who can help you set-up a customized plan to fit your unique caloric needs and lifestyle.

Our posts this week will feature things you should keep in ind when going on a diet. Whether you are already on a diet or not, these are all good ideas to keep in mind to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Let us know what you think of these ideas - and if you have any more to add!

So You Want to go on a Diet #1: Say no to yo-yo

Most of us are pretty good at losing at least some weight. But keeping it off? Not so much. Half of women say they gain the weight back within just six months of losing it. Stop the ups and downs, or "yo-yo dieting," by taking a big picture approach.

"Dieters fail because they are too focused on getting to and maintaining a certain weight," says Abby Aronwitz, PhD, author of Your Final Diet. Rather than fixate on the number on the scale, identify healthy habits you can practice long-term.

Some suggestions for these healthy habits include:
  • Eat out less frequently and cook more meals at home. If you like to go out, try to limit it to just one night a week, such as every Saturday night, so it is something that you can look forward to at the end of each week.
  • Aim to hit the gym 3-4 times per week.
  • Walk to the grocery store or drug store if it is within a couple blocks of your home or office.
  • Take the stairs every day instead of the elevator.
  • Instead of using your morning break to browse the Internet, get up and take a 10-minute walk around the office or outside.
  • Eat at least one vegetable or fruit with every meal.
Your new, fit lifestyle will help make it easier to stay slim for good!

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