Thursday, June 2, 2011

How to Beat the Afternoon Slump #4: Enjoy tea and peppermint

Get into the routine of having a mid-afternoon cup of tea. It's a good step towards beating the afternoon doldrums thanks to that little bit of caffeine burst and the few quiet minutes it entails. Tea contains antioxidants that will help protect your body from the ravages of aging and keep you healthy. Studies show it may also reduce your risk of heart attack and stroke, as well as protecting your bones and increasing your metabolism.

Keep a selection of exotic flavored teas in your office and an aesthetically pleasing cup just for tea (to avoid having it taste like coffee). When the doldrums hit, brew yourself a cup and sit somewhere quite to sip and reflect. The meditative time will soothe your frenzied brain, while the caffeine will give you just enough of a kick-start to get you through the rest of your day.
Additionally, peppermint is known as an energy-enhancing scent. You can try a peppermint flavored tea (many are caffeine free), or put a drop of peppermint oil in your hands and briskly rub them together, then rub gently over your face (make sure to avoid your eyes). Keep a stash of sugar-free peppermint candies on your desk - just make sure to eat them in moderation! The calming scent will soothe you and help alleviate stress that has built up throughout the day and allow you to focus on the rest of the tasks at hand.

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