Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Changing your health for the better #3: Stop trying to be perfect

Perfection: Something that so many of us strive to attain, yet something that we know is next to impossible. Why do we do it?

The quest for perfection is exhausting and unrelenting, but as hard as we try, we can't turn off the tapes that fill our heads with messages like "not god enough" and "what will others think?" The truth is that we get sucked into perfection for one very simple reason: we believe perfection will protect us. Perfectionism is the belief that if we live perfect, look perfect, act perfect, we can minimize or avoid the pain of blame, judgement and shame.

If we want to fully experience love and belonging, we must believe that we are worthy of it. The greatest challenge for most of us is believe we are worthy. Often stress is a detriment to us taking the time to invest in ourselves and develop this sense of self-worth. De-stress your life with these easy techniques.

1. Do a pose: Yoga and easy stretching can be incredibly therapeutic and stress relieving. Try taking a yoga class at Mettler Center or do simple techniques at home whenever you feel stress coming on.
Lying on your back, bend your knees and place the soles of your feet on the floor. Press your feet down and shift your hips a few inches to the right. Inhale and draw your right knee to your chest as you extend your left leg straight out. On the exhale, use your left hand to guide your right knee across your body and toward the floor. Extend your right arm out at shoulder height. Slowly turn your gaze to the right, away from the bent knee. Visualize wringing out any negative feelings as you twist. Contract abs to draw your knee back to center. Repeat with the left knee.

2. Take a walk: Going for a stroll without a destination can foster a state of meditative calm. Focus only on your body and each step you take, rather than where you're headed. If your mind wanders, bring yourself back to your surrounding and your footsteps.

3. Really breathe: Close your eyes and breathe through your nose - in for six counts, out for six. Repeat 5 times. This brings oxygen into your body and bloodstream - which can instantly wash away stress.

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