Monday, August 22, 2011

Eating Mistakes that Slow Metabolism #1-2

You probably don't need scientists to tell you that your metabolism slows with age. But they are studying it anyway - and coming up with exciting new research to help rev it up again. The average woman gains 1 1/2 pounds a year during her adult life - enough to pack on 40-plus pounds by her 50s, if she doesn't combat the roller coaster of hormones, muscle loss and stress that conspires to slow her fat-burning engine. But midlife weight gain isn't inevitable: We've found eating strategies that will tackle these changes.

But first, the basics: To boost over-40 weight loss, make sure your meals are around 400 calories each, the amount needed to fuel your body while keeping you satisfied, translating into effortless weight loss.

This week's posts will provide you with metabolism-boosting food rules were developed by Dan Benardot, PhD, RD, an associate professor of nutrition and kinesiology at Georgia State University, and Tammy Lakatos, RD.
Learn how to adjust your eating plan and keep your fat-burning furnace ignited all day long!

Eating Mistakes that Slow Metabolism #1-2
1. You Don't Eat Enough
You need to cut calories to lose weight, but it's important not to overdo it. Going too low delivers a double whammy to your metabolism. When you eat less than you need for basic biological function (about 1,200 calories for most women), you body throws the brakes on your metabolism. It also begins to break down precious, calorie-burning muscle tissue for energy, says Benardot.

"Eat just enough so you're not hungry - a 150-calorie snack midmorning and midafternoon between 3 meals (about 430 calories each) will keep your metabolism humming."
By eating every 3-4 hours, you'll stay satisfied and keep from overeating later in the day.

2. You Avoid Caffeine
Caffeine is a central nervous system stimulant, so your daily java jolts can rev your metabolism 5-8% - about 98-174 calories a day. A cup of brewed tea can raise your metabolism by 12%, according to one Japanese study. Researchers believe the antioxidant catechins in tea provide the boost.

The truth is that there are lots of ways to get your caffeine fix. Some of the people chugging down those Big Gulps all afternoon may be in it for the caffeine. Another popular way to get caffeine is tea, hot or iced. A can of diet cola will give you around 42 milligrams of caffeine, while a cup of hot tea usually has almost 50 milligrams.

Follow these 5 calorie-free caffeine tips to make sure you get your caffeine fix without packing on extra calories:
  1. Freshly Brewed Tea: If you haven't tried tea lately, give it a second chance. There are so many flavorful types available now, even at the grocery store. And when it comes to phytochemicals, freshly brewed is best. Bottled teas apparently have less than freshly brewed tea, not to mention they are often loaded with sugar.
  2. Make Mine Iced: Iced tea is a great summer sipper, as long as it isn't sweetened. You can turn any hot tea into iced tea just by chilling a pitcher in the refrigerator after it's brewed.
  3. Pump up the Protein and Calcium: Make sure your caffeine fix doesn't fill your diet with extra calories. The fancier the coffee drink, the bigger the calorie and fat totals. Asking for nonfat milk in your latte and other coffee drinks brings down the calories and fat while pumping up the protein and calcium. For example, a "tall" Starbucks Iced Cafe Mocha made with whole milk has 170 calories and 6 grams of fat, while the same with nonfat milk has 130 calories and 1.5 grams of fat.
  4. Watch out for Chai Lattes: They contain extra calories from milk and sugar. There are some light chai lattes out there, however. If you're ordering one at a coffee bar, opt for nonfat milk and artificial sweetener.
  5. Diet Soft Drinks Save Calories: The caffeine in your average 12-ounce cola rivals the amount in a cup of tea: 42 and 47 milligrams, respectively. But getting your caffeine fix this way can add up to 140 calories a can, if you choose regular sweetened sodas. That said, even though diet sodas will help keep those beverage calories down, it's best to drink them in moderation and limit your intake to one can per day.

1 comment:

  1. Good points made here. Just wanted to mention too that research shows that drinking green tea increases metabolism and is great to help increase metabolism and help with weight loss. It can also be prepared as an 'iced green tea' drink and sweetened with natural of my favorite ways to enjoy green tea!
