Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Exercise Equipment That You Should Use #3: Rowing Machine

Get your arms in on the cardio action by jumping on the lonely rowing machine. It often goes unused because it can be more challenging than other machines - you're engaging large muscle groups in your upper and lower body to do the work. But that helps you burn up to 13 calories per minute (based on a 145 pound woman) while sculpting your legs, gluts, abs, back shoulders and biceps. If you are up for a good challenge, try this workout.
After a quick warm up, you'll do a series of long intervals, followed by some stroke drills. Adjust the speed (in strokes per minute) to meet the rate of perceived exertion (RPE). The time it takes you to do the drills may differ from the chart, depending on your speed. Just make sure to follow your counting, not the clock. Finally, try to keep your back straight and use your legs to help power the rowing machine. And if you have any issues or questions, don't forget to ask a member of the Fit Force for assistance!

Your Rowing Machine Workout Plan
Time (minutes), What to Do, Speed (SPM), RPE (1-10)
0-5, Warm Up, 20-24, 4
5-9, Row Somewhat Hard, 32-35, 8
9-10, Row at a Moderate Level, 28, 5-6
10-14, Row Somewhat Hard, 32-35, 8
14-15, Row at a Moderate Pace, 28, 5-6
15-19, Row Somewhat Hard, 32-35, 8
19-20, Row at a Moderate Pace, 28, 5-6
20-21:30, Stroke Drill: Row 25 strokes hard, 5 easy, 28-35, 5-9
21:30-27:30, Repeat Stroke Drill 4 times, 28-35, 5-9
27:30-30, Cool down easy, 25, 4

**Don't forget to post a comment on today's post for your chance to win this week's giveaway: A set of leg bands from Mettler Center!**

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