Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Health Food Fake-Outs #1-2

Even if you haven't bought full-fat mayo or sugary soda in years, you may still be getting duped into less-than-healthy food choices at the supermarket. From a distance, some foods seem like healthful choices because of the way they're packaged or labeled. "But just because a product's marketing gives if an aura of health doesn't necessarily mean it is good for you," says Janel Ovrut, MS, RD, a Boston-based dietitian.

We will give you 2 different "health food fake-outs" each day this week, plus smarter swaps that up the nutritional ante and still give you the flavor you crave. Let us know what your favorite swaps are too!

Health Food Fake-Outs #1-2

1. Baked Potato Chips
Yes, they are lower in fat. But they are still high in calories and low in nutrients, with little fiber to fill you up.

Smarter Substitute: Popcorn
You will get the salt and crunch of chips plus fiber and around 65% fewer calories per cup. Look for oil-free microwave popcorn or brands that are air-popped or popped in healthful oils such as olive or canola.

Health Bonus: Heart-healthy whole grains
Adults who eat popcorn take in as much as 2.5 times more whole grains than people who do not, according to a recent study published in the Journal of the American Dietetic Association.

Try: Good Health HalfNaked pre-popped pocorn, made with olive oil
One serving (4 cups) has 120 calories, 0 g saturated fat, 4 g fiber

2. Gummy Fruit Snacks
Although these products may contain some juice, they're usually nothing more than candy infused with vitamins. They also contain high fructose corn syrup, which is linked with obesity, and heart-unhealthy partially hydrogenated oil.

Smarter Substitute: Fresh or dried fruit
Both are packed with filling fiber, which you will miss if you go with the gummy snacks.

Health Bonus: Cancer-fighting antioxidants
Real fruit is loaded with immune-boosting nutrients that fruit-flavored snacks could never mimic. A recent Greek study found that women who ate the most fruits and vegetables were the least likely to develop any type of cancer.
Try: Peeled Snacks Fruit Picks dried fruit
One serving (1 bag) of Go-Mango-Man-Go has 120 calories, 0 g saturated fat, 2 g fiber

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